How To Solve The Purpose Crisis In Organizations
Without purpose there is no culture, only job descriptions and procedures. Through the Purpose-Driven Business Canvas, we transform purpose from an abstract concept into the beating heart of organizational culture.
The Navigating Purpose Collection
The Navigating Purpose Collection provides practitioners and leaders with the complete journey from understanding to implementation purpose.
Purpose Is A Film
“In the 20th century, the economy lost its purpose and replaced it with the obsession about endless GDP growth.” K. Raworth
A New Chapter In Organizational Culture
The world’s first pictorial atlas of 101 purpose statements from around the world will be released on October 20, 2024. Pre-order your copy today!
The more we simplify, the more we think we figured it out. But when we think we understand something, we believe we can control it.
Efficiency vs Humans Skills
We need to balance and integrate how we get things done (Performance Zone) with the Learning Zone (leaping beyond the known).
What Does Death Have To Do With Purpose?
Contemplating the "ars moriendi" holds profound significance for every one of us, not just for philosophers.
Change The Language
Communication is an investment to create long-term value and must reflect the organization's culture and purpose.
Purpose Makes The Whole Organization Alive
There can't be a successful CSR or ESG implementation strategy without a clear purpose and more importantly without leveraging a purpose-driven culture.
The 5 Myths About Purpose
The experience of teaching and cultivating purpose has unveiled a curious pattern: many believe they know their purpose, yet seldom contemplate it amid their daily routines.
The Next Revolution Is Going To Be Cultural
Technology alone is never the panacea. Understanding human behavior, motivations, and the power of mindset leads to more durable and profound success.
Purpose Bridges Technology To Humanity
Purpose is the indispensable element that completes the digital transformation and complements cultural transformation.
Digital And Cultural Transformations
In an increasingly unpredictable global context, the organization's purpose is a strategic issue, and the human factor now is the new competitive advantage.
Culture As A Business Process
Culture as a business process is the framework designed to empower cross-functional collaboration, teamwork, and communication through several visual thinking tools and is the blueprint of all cultural transformation projects at the Purpose-Driven Academy.
Why Is Purpose Uncomfortable?
Investing resources to find individual or company purpose implies the intention to impact positively - and possibly change - reality. Which is never been easy to do and it never will.
The Role Of Purpose In A GAI World
“They (OpenAI) need to get clear with themselves, and get clear with the world on what they want to be.” This question that Mark Surman – President of the Mozilla Foundation – asks in a recent Wired interview concerns all startups and newborn companies working with GAI, not just OpenAI.