How To Solve The Purpose Crisis In Organizations

According to Gallup research, 60% of people feel emotionally detached at work, 19% feel unhappy, and 75% of new businesses fail in the first 5 years. These statistics highlight the need to rethink how we do business, with purpose as the key to this realignment.

In daily practice with entrepreneurs, it's evident how little emphasis they place on purpose relative to its importance. Purpose is often simplified, misunderstood, or ignored because cultural transformation scares people much more than technological transformation.

The Purpose-Driven Business Canvas Is The Solution

The Purpose-Driven Business Canvas (PDBC) was created specifically to solve these problems in a natural and linear way through five fundamental blocks:

  • Passion: identifies the problem aligned with values and transforms it into opportunity

  • Purpose: defines the organization's reason for being and the "impossible dream" to achieve

  • Motivation: clarifies what drives the organization and connects daily actions to broader goals

  • Vision: projects the world you want to create and defines success in terms of positive impact

  • Mission: outlines daily efforts toward purpose and connects goals to practical actions

The Transformative Impact

When an organization becomes aware of its authentic identity, the canvas paves the way for two crucial opportunities:

  1. Building a modern brand identity through purpose

  2. Creating competitive advantage through authentic communication

Purpose is not just a wall decoration. It requires teamwork, collective elaboration, and sharing. As Chip Conley emphasizes, "Purpose is not a noun, it's a verb" - a dynamic process guided by values.


Without purpose there is no culture, only job descriptions and procedures. Through the Purpose-Driven Business Canvas, we transform purpose from an abstract concept into the beating heart of organizational culture, providing the framework for creating long-term value and authentic organizational development.

This is how we begin to build a better world, one purpose-driven organization at a time.

Luca Leonardini

The Business Innovation Architect

Purpose Washing


The Navigating Purpose Collection