Why Is Purpose Uncomfortable?
We are used to having everything we want and need in just a few clicks, that’s our culture.
And codifying individual or company purpose does not make any difference.
Just look at the online offerings: countless webinars and classes are promising results in a matter of hours.
On top of it consider the increasing number of Generative AI tools that do the task in a few seconds. People love them because it’s quick and clean.
But just because technology can do it, is it the right thing?
Probably not. However, I see the new AI tools as an excellent solution to complement or support the work rather than taking full ownership of the process.
Purpose is an empowering discovery journey that demands intensive practice, iteration, and continuous improvement, just like preparing for a marathon.
Finding individual and company purpose is not easy and we need to acknowledge that to avoid a superficial approach and the risk to simplify by creating catchy marketing slogans.
Purpose is uncomfortable because it creates tension between the present moment (safe and certain), and the uncertain future of my aspiration to achieve my purpose.
The purpose of purpose is to challenge and ultimately change reality, not to preserve the status quo.
Anyone who bothers investing resources in finding individual or company purpose intends to impact positively - and possibly change - reality. It’s never been an easy task and it never will.